Babysitting Life Savers
Welcome to Teen Teacher!
I haven't posted in a while, but between school, work, and life just kicking my butt, its hard to find the time. This month, I have been really trying to find resources around me to make my life and job easier. There are days where I am just not in the right mindset to be the best babysitter, and on those days it is so good to find events or things to do that take up time and take little effort. So this blog is about: Things that have been saving my butt during work!! By saving my butt, I mean letting me have a little break during the busy day. Lets talk about it:
- Local libraries: First of all, NOONE TOLD ME HOW AMAZING LIBRARIES ARE! Literally, a place that organizes free events for kids in the community where all you have to do is show up and watch the kids be entertained...sign me the hell up. This month we have already went to a theater show, a crocodile presentation, and 2 movie showings at the libraries around me. Also, the kids can pick out a book while we are there and that gets them excited for reading! The kids LOVE it... and I loved that I could get babysitter points for bringing them to something fun and not having to do as much work!
- Movie theaters: There is something about movie theaters that kids love, which is kind of funny because they never want to watch movies at home. Recently, I have restored my love for the dollar movie theater. There is so many things to love about this. The dollar movie near me is 30 minutes away, which usually sounds like the biggest bummer, but I like that it takes up some time in the day, because it can be hard to fill those long days up with stuff to do. Our dollar movie theater is obviously cheap, its never crowded, and it lets the kids and the babysitter get some time to chill and do some quiet time.
- Pools: This one is pretty obvious for summer but the pool has been saving my lifeeeee. I can sunscreen these kids up and we can all get in, I can sit in the water and tan while making sure no children drown or get hurt. It's so obviously simple that it pains me that I didn't appreciate it before this summer.
- Find friends: When you have other kids that can be friends with your kids, it is everything!!! New friends and old friends can be such a blessing, because it gives the kids something to be excited about and they can entertain each other!
Thanks for reading!
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